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artist statement

(an apology)

I apologize.

I apologize for all the artist statements you have suffered through, and all the ART that is supposed to resemble those statements. 

I apologize for anyone having to read this, or any artist’s statement because the exhibit they are attending and/or viewing is so obscure it leaves them no choice.

I apologize for the written words needed to describe the purpose, form, and aesthetic value of a visual medium.

I apologize for the galleries that no longer care what anyone thinks or feels other than to confuse you into believing everything they do and represent is relevant and significant.

I apologize for the horrific schlepping required to get to the galleries and exhibits around town. And the parking, THE PARKING!  (I am so sorry…)

Finally I apologize for my artwork, all of it, and I’m grateful for you bothering to give my work any time or consideration. I am willing to make every effort to help you navigate your way through it if necessary; if not,

I apologize.


A.S. Ashley